Pink pepper (shinus)

Pink pepper, aka shinus

Pink pepper is a fruit obtained from the Peruvian pepper tree - soft shinus (Schinus molle) and the Brazilian pepper tree - pistachio shinus (Schinus terebinthifolius). These are two evergreens. They belong to the Sumac family. This spice is of the same genus with cashews, mangoes, pistachios, and it does not apply to peppers.

In everyday life, such pepper is called false, rose pepper, Brazilian, or Peruvian.

Titles in other languages:

  • German Schinusbeeren
  • English pink pepper
  • fr. poivre rose


Shinus grows as shrubs and trees, reaching 12 - 15 m in height. Plants live for about 35 years.

  • Branches can hang down like a vine. And some trees are in an upright position.
  • The leaves are pinnate about 20 centimeters, or pinnate, leathery up to 6 centimeters.
  • The flowers are yellowish-white or greenish-yellow, collected in rare panicle inflorescences hanging in clusters.
  • Fruits are round, drupe, green at first, and in a mature state from pink to red. The size also ranges from 5 to 7 mm. Many find in them a general resemblance to lingonberries.

Sold as follows:

  • dried;
  • preserved in brine;
  • in pepper blends.

Where does it grow

Pink pepper is distributed throughout the regions with a tropical climate. It adapts well to any conditions, so it can grow both in swamps and on coastal sandy hills.Despite the fact that it grows in many southern countries, it enters the market stalls exclusively from Brazilian trees growing on the island of Reunion.

pink pepper tree

spice making method

Pepper fruits are harvested only when ripe, then dried without processing, and sold. Ground spice instantly loses its taste and aroma. And whole peas are stored for a relatively short time. If they are kept in a tightly closed container, the taste will last up to six months. Peppers are also pickled or salted. Don't forget to check the packing date.


  • Moderately aromatic, with fruity notes
  • Sweet, woody, refreshing taste
  • Not very spicy, not stylishly hot
  • Often added to a mixture of peppers, consisting of black, white and green peas.
Mix of different peppers

Nutritional value and calories

Calories: 244 kcal.

  • Proteins: 5 gr.
  • Fats: 8 gr.
  • Carbohydrates: 38 gr.
pink pepper calories

Chemical composition

Vitamins: groups B, ascorbic acid, E, H and PP


  • manganese, iron;
  • potassium, calcium;
  • magnesium, zinc;
  • selenium, copper;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium.
Pink pepper is rich in vitamins and minerals

Beneficial features

  • Antibacterial
  • Tonic
  • astringent
Healthy Pink Pepper


The only thing to know is that pink pepper is toxic in large quantities.

In addition, it must be used with caution, as it can cause allergic reactions.


An essential oil is obtained from pink spice, which is widely used in light and pharmaceutical industries. It has a bactericidal, antiseptic, antiviral, tonic effect.

rosewood oil

In cosmetology

  • Herpes
  • Dermatitis
  • Acne
  • Minor skin lesions
  • Against cellulite
  • Hair loss and strengthening
  • Tones and tightens the skin
Shinus essential oil is used in cosmetology

In medicine

  • Arthritis
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Digestive problems
  • Stimulates blood circulation
Rosewood oil inhalations


  • Baths - 3 drops per 200 liters.
  • Massage - 3 drops per 10 ml of base oil.
  • Compresses - 3 drops per 10 ml base.
  • Enrichment of cosmetics - 1-2 drops.

When applied, a natural reaction of slight tingling and slight heat is possible.

Chinus oil in cosmetics


The bark of the pepper tree has a pleasant aroma, but the juice contained in it, if it comes into contact with the skin, causes a burn.


In cooking

  • Add to marinades, salt, after which it may change color slightly.
  • Decorate with fruit mousses, desserts, ice cream.
  • Sometimes used with or as a substitute for ginger.
  • Pairs well with poultry and seafood.
  • Complement sauces, vegetable salads, cheeses.

When purchasing pink pepper, pay attention to the integrity of the peas. They should also be shiny and approximately the same in diameter. It is better if there is no pepper of a different color in the package.

The aroma of shinus will become brighter if it is heated in a dry dish. Grind and add pepper to dishes should be before serving. Such a spice does not greatly change the character of the dish, it only adds a piquant flavor.

  • in 1 tsp 5 gr.
  • in 1 tbsp. 14 gr.

Fragrant fish in the oven

The first step is to prepare the butter. It is used in a softened form and only 2 tablespoons are needed. Add to it 0.5 tbsp. ground pink pepper, crushed zest of half a lemon and salt. Having thoroughly mixed all the ingredients, spread the mass on a thick film and form a sausage, which should be put in the freezer for half an hour.

Next, you need 5 stalks of leeks. It should cut off the dark tops, and fry the rest on both sides. Pour 150 ml of dry white wine to the leek, cover with a lid and leave to languish for 5 minutes.We shift the finished onion stalks to a greased baking sheet parallel to each other. On top we lay the fish grated with pink pepper and salt (it is recommended to take 6 pieces of tilapia fillet). Pour everything with the liquid from the pan and put in the oven for 10 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C.

We free the cooled oil from the film and cut it into 1 cm plastics. When serving, put 2 cups of oil on each fillet and garnish with peppercorns. Serve immediately!

Fish with pink pepper


  • yeast-free puff pastry - 0.3 kg.
  • nectarine - 4 pcs.
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • orange liqueur - 40 ml.
  • butter - 1 tbsp.
  • pink pepper - 1 tbsp.

Prepare the nectarines ahead of time. Cut them into even thin slices and put in a refractory container, seasoned with a pinch of salt. Pour in orange juice and sprinkle with sugar. Add half of the grated zest and do not touch for 4 hours. After, put on medium heat, waiting for the sugar to dissolve completely. Carefully remove the pieces, allowing the syrup to drain. Shape the dough and place in the selected dish. Brush with oil and pierce with a fork. Transfer the nectarine to it and bake for 15 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C.

Pour liquor into the remaining syrup, add pink pepper, the remaining zest and cook for 7 minutes. Take the pie out of the oven and pour over the prepared mixture. Place in the oven for another 7 minutes, serve the finished product warm.

Pink pepper pie

Watch the video - you will learn even more interesting things about pink pepper as a spice.

In medicine

In the homeland of the shinus, it is widely used for medicinal purposes:

  • With diseases of the nasopharynx and respiratory tract;
  • With skin diseases, wounds, ulcers;
  • For the digestive system;
  • Joint diseases;
  • diarrhea treatment;
  • tumors;
  • Gout.
Pink pepper is also used for medicinal purposes.

At home

  • The extracted resin is used in industry
  • Grown as ornamental plants
  • Complements and decorates bouquets of flowers
  • Good honey plant
Bouquets of flowers with pink pepper

In perfumery

The spice is often used in perfume compositions.

This is an incomplete list of fragrances where shinus is present:

  • Giorgio Armani
  • Lancome
  • Gucci
  • Yves Saint Laurent
  • Moschino-Funny
  • Chanel - Chance


Pink pepper seedlings are easy to find in specialized stores in the southern regions and countries located on the coast. Shinus are grown in pots or in gardens in the open sun. Flowering can occur throughout the fall, but some trees bloom all year.

You should know that these are not frost-resistant plants, therefore, for safe growth, the temperature must be positive.

Peppers are propagated by seeds that germinate well. Seedlings are planted in spring in pots with soil consisting of sand and peat in a ratio of 1: 2. It is good to fertilize the soil with organic matter before this. In summer, it is also worth feeding the plants with watering (low-nitrogen fertilizers). Within three years, young trees can be formed by pruning. After that, the plant is planted in a permanent place.

rosewood sapling

The pepper tree usually does not get sick. But make sure that the water does not stagnate in the ground, as root rot can develop.

Interesting Facts

  • The French were the first to use shinous in cooking and instilled this tradition in the cuisines of many countries.
  • In the United States, pink pepper is considered a noxious weed, it crowds out many plants. It is known that it is not very easy to destroy it, even if you cut down a pepper tree, new shoots will soon form at the site of the log house.In some states, it is forbidden to sell and plant this plant, as it has spread to large areas after it has been cultivated.
  • Indian tribes extracted juice from ripe berries, which could be consumed immediately, added to porridge or left to ferment. Separating the upper part of the fruit from the inner, the first was placed under the press, as a result of which the juice appeared.
Clusters of pink pepper
1 comment

I really like adding shinus to fish dishes. It complements them perfectly!

The information is provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health issues, always consult a specialist.


