Calendula (marigold)


The people called calendula marigolds. Obviously, hinting at what her seeds look like: sort of hooked claws with jagged edges. Calendula combines both medicinal and decorative functions. She will simultaneously decorate your site with her bright colors and improve her health.

Calendula in the garden


Calendula is a plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. Height ranges from 10 to 85 cm, depending on the species. The stem (simple or branched) and oval leaves of calendula are slightly covered with fluff. Flowers - baskets of bright orange or yellowish color. The basket itself is formed by a two-row of long petals, shaped like chamomile petals. The center of the flower is the same shade as the petals, or a dark brownish red.

The root of the nails is pivotal. By autumn, seeds ripen on calendula, which, like the petals, form 2-3 rows. Remarkably, the seeds located in the middle of the basket differ in shape from those located outside, they are more hooked.


There are few types of calendula, about twenty. The most common are calendula field and calendula officinalis:

  • Field calendula (Calendula Arvensis). This is an annual. Its height is from 10 to 30 cm.
  • Calendula officinalis (Calendula officinalis). An annual plant. The height of this representative of the flora is from 20 to 75 cm.The stems and leaves are light green in color and covered with small hairs, and they are sticky on the shoots. A flower basket, 5-6 cm in diameter, is formed by petals in one row. Their color is yellow or orange. Calendula officinalis can withstand temperatures down to -5°C.

Where does it grow?

Calendula can be found in the Mediterranean countries, Western Europe and Asia Minor.

Calendula fields in India

spice making method

To prepare the spice, calendula must first be dried, and then simply ground to a powder.

Harvest marigold flowers during the period when the plant begins to bloom. You can't be late with the collection. Otherwise, you will receive raw materials that will not have a full range of medicinal and beneficial qualities. If about 50% of the flowers are blooming on the plant, then the time has come to collect. After 3-4 days, the nails will bloom again. Since the plant blooms until autumn, it is possible to harvest raw materials for a long time.

Step by step harvesting process:

  1. It is recommended to pick flowers in the morning, but make sure that there is no dew on the bushes.
  2. The flower breaks off along with the pedicel. Next, the raw materials are laid out in a thin layer and dried in the shade. It is desirable that the drying room is well ventilated.
  3. Periodically, the raw material should be mixed, otherwise it may simply rot.
  4. The state of readiness is checked by clicking on the inflorescence. If it crumbles, then you can transfer the flowers to bags made of paper or fabric.

Useful properties of the plant in this form are stored for 2 years. After this period, calendula loses its medicinal properties. Therefore, it is recommended to harvest the plant in such volumes that you can use it throughout the year.

dried calendula

When storing, make sure that the raw materials are not exposed to moisture.

Storing dried calendula petals


  • The flowering period of calendula is quite long: from June to October.
  • The value of a plant is determined by the intensity of the color of the flowers. The richer the “orangeness”, the more valuable substances in calendula.
  • Flowers have medicinal properties. Stems and leaves are used less frequently, and the root is practically not used as a medicinal raw material.
Features of calendula


  • Calendula has a peculiar bitter-herbaceous aroma with a touch of astringency.
  • Marigolds reproduce with the help of seeds. In general, the plant is unpretentious, loves a lot of light.
  • The abundance of pollen and nectar attracts bees and butterflies.
Marigold flowers attract insects

Nutritional value and calories

Marigold flowers have only 15 kcal.

Nutritional value of 100 grams of dried marigold petals:

  • Proteins - 3 g (12 kcal).
  • Fats - 0 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 0.2 g (1 kcal).

You can learn more about the beneficial properties of calendula from the following video:

Chemical composition

Calendula is very rich in various chemical compounds that make this plant beneficial. Nails contain:

  • Carotenoids, about 3%. It is these substances that give the plant a bright saturated orange color.
  • Sterols - 18% of this substance is found in the leaves of the plant).
  • Flavonoids protect the plant from UV rays.
  • Resinous and tannins.
  • Essential oil (due to its content, calendula has antibiotic properties).
  • Coumarins relieve inflammation.
  • Enzymes and organic acids.
  • Alkaloids.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Macronutrients - K, Ca, Mg, Fe.
  • Trace elements - Mn, Cu, Zn, Co, Mo, Al, Cr, Se, Ni, Sr, Pb, I, B.
Chemical composition

Beneficial features

Marigold flowers:

  • Relieve inflammation, pain.
  • They have disinfecting properties.
  • Used in the treatment of high blood pressure.
  • They have diuretic properties.

Decoction infusions are used:

  • In the treatment of rheumatism.
  • Hypertension.
  • Externally in the treatment of corns and ulcers.
Useful properties of calendula


  • Calendula has the ability to lower blood pressure. In this regard, it can harm people with low blood pressure.
  • If you have problems with the heart and blood vessels, be sure to consult a doctor before self-medicating.
  • Marigolds should not be used in combination with other herbs that have sedative properties.


  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in the period of exacerbation.
  • Children's age 12 years. Further, preparations based on calendula are used in small dosages.
  • Individual intolerance to the components that make up the plant.
Harm and contraindications of calendula


In cooking

  • Many chefs flavor their masterpieces with calendula flowers, adding them to both first and second courses, desserts, and salads.
  • Vegetables and calendula are the perfect combination. Cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, potatoes - all these vegetables can be safely used in tandem with calendula.
  • Calendula is a useful component in the preparation of various drinks that keep our body in good shape.
  • Fresh calendula can be served with meat and fish. It will give a unique and pleasant taste to the side dishes.
  • Calendula is used as an additive in sauces.
  • Cheesemakers use calendula as a natural food coloring.
  • If you mix the crushed calendula with butter, you get a wonderful and healthy base for sandwiches.
  • From calendula, you can prepare a healthy liqueur. For this, calendula and mint (dry raw materials) are mixed in a ratio of 2: 4). This dry mixture should be poured with a liter of water and put on a slow fire.From the moment of boiling, cook for about half an hour. Then cool, flavor with honey to your taste and add a liter of vodka.

In medicine

The therapeutic agent is mainly inflorescences, leaves and stems are used less frequently.

  • Calendula is used as a choleretic agent.
  • Calendula heals wounds, disinfects cuts better than iodine.
  • Traditional medicine has used marigold infusions since ancient times. They were languishing in clay pots in stoves. The infusion was prepared quickly and retained its medicinal properties.


  • A decoction of calendula is useful for rheumatic manifestations and high blood pressure. To prepare it, you need 3 tbsp. spoons of dry inflorescences and 2 cups of water. This mixture is boiled over low heat for 3-4 minutes. The decoction should be infused for about an hour. Strained liquid drink ¼-1/3 cup 3 times a day.
  • The use of calendula together with sulfonamides will speed up the recovery of a patient with tonsillitis.
  • A decoction of calendula can be used to gargle the throat (for sore throats) and the mouth (for gum disease). To prepare the infusion, you need to take 1 teaspoon of dried flowers and 1 cup of boiling water. Brew like tea. Use warm solution.
  • A decoction of calendula can relieve allergic reactions. For the prevention of seasonal allergies, use one tablespoon of decoction 3 times a day.
Decoction of calendula

Do not take decoctions of calendula along with other medicinal herbs that have sedative properties. The calming effect can be very strong.

In cosmetology

  • Infusion of calendula is useful to wipe the skin of the face. Dry marigold flowers should be poured with boiling water and insisted for a quarter of an hour. You can use it as a tonic, or you can freeze it and do rubbing with ice cubes. And in the first, and in the second case it is useful.
  • To prepare an elixir that fights wrinkles, pour a tablespoon of dried flowers with a glass of boiling water. Thus, we will get a more concentrated solution that will refresh the skin, give it tone, tighten and reduce fine wrinkles.
  • Fresh raw calendula is an excellent remedy for skin whitening and eliminating freckles and age spots. Flowers and leaves are scrolled through a meat grinder. This makes juicing easier. Juice treat problem areas of the skin 3 times a day.
  • To rinse the hair, you can prepare a decoction with marigold flowers, hop cones and burdock root, it must be crushed before use.

At home

If you plant calendula between cabbage beds, then cabbage butterflies will not lay larvae in your plantings. The smell of marigold will scare away these pests.

Calendula at home


If we take plant growth as the basis for the classification of marigolds, then we can distinguish undersized (below 30 cm), medium height (30-45 cm) and very high (45-85 cm) representatives.

Flowers can be ordinary, simple or with an abundance of petals, i.e. terry.

Variety of calendula Empress

Terry includes the following varieties:

  • Golden ball (the flower looks like a fluffy bright yellow ball),
  • Sensation (orange flowers),
  • Favorite (light yellow flower with white veins),
  • Geisha (petals have bright red tips),
  • Hamlet.

Variety Medallion and Princesses are ordinary plants.

Very beautiful variety "Green Heart". This is a reddish-orange double flower with a fluffy green center. It will decorate any flower garden.

Calendula Green Heart

No less beautiful variety "Pink Surprise". Its flowers are pale pink. The height of the plant is slightly more than half a meter.

Calendula variety Pink surprise


Growing calendula in your backyard is very easy. The seeds of the plant are sown directly into the compost soil.Planting depth is about 1 cm.

If you want marigolds to please you with their flowering in May, then sow seedlings in January. And with the onset of warm weather without frost, transplant it into the open ground in the place designated for this.

Caring for calendula is very easy. If you do not need marigold seeds, then inflorescences that have already faded can be cut off. This will give the plant an aesthetic appearance and, in addition, provoke violent flowering.

Calendula does not like the lack of moisture, so it needs regular watering. The soil should not dry out.

If you want to "feed" your pet, then keep in mind that this process should be carried out after the plant has bloomed.

Calendula loves not shaded, but illuminated areas. Therefore, plant it where it will be exposed to direct sunlight. Under these conditions, calendula will bloom profusely and for a long time.

Growing calendula

Interesting Facts

  • In the Middle Ages, marigold flowers were added to soups to "tint" the broth in this way. The same coloring property was used by culinary specialists in the manufacture of confectionery. The petals of the plant were added to the milk that was used to make the dough and they were boiled in it for some time. Calendula has a very interesting feature: it does not dissolve in water, so milk was used.
  • Doctors of the Middle Ages recommended admiring calendula flowers with poor eyesight. There was a generally accepted opinion that looking at a calendula flower, a person will instantly cheer himself up.
  • The ancient Romans gave a very beautiful name to calendula. They noted that the flower of the plant always turns its head towards the sun, and in cloudy weather does not open its buds at all.In this regard, it was called the sun dial, the bride of summer, the flower of the sun.
  • In pagan times, calendula symbolized constancy in love. Therefore, young men gave it to their objects of love.
  • There is a legend about how the calendula flower appeared on earth. In ancient times, a weak child was born to poor peasants. Over the years, he did not become healthier, so he was called Hungry. Having become a young man, Zamorysh left his father's house in search of happiness. There was no news about him for a long time. And then, unexpectedly, a wonderful healer appeared in the district, who saved people from various ailments and ailments with herbs. It was said that he is very similar to Zamorysh. And so it turned out. Vorozheya was also involved in healing magic. But her treatment could not be compared with the treatment of the new medicine man. Envy and anger pushed the Witch to kill. She offered a goblet of poisoned wine to the healer. When the healer realized that he was dying, he asked the people who came to him to cut off the nail from his hand and bury it under the window at Vorozhei. People fulfilled the last will of the doctor. A calendula grew under the window near Vorozheya. They called her a nail. The flower continued to heal people and bring goodness, like the one to whom the sown nail belonged.
  • Calendula is one of the most popular flowers that have been used in love rituals. In order for the beloved to remain faithful to his soulmate, such a ceremony was performed. The ground from the footprint where he stepped was dug out. Then she was placed in a flower pot. It was necessary to plant a calendula flower in this land. Sorcerers and healers believed that calendula is an almost universal remedy for all diseases. In addition, the marigolds were credited with the ability to fight witchcraft spells and love spells.
1 comment

You can freeze calendula in an ice cube and put it in cocktails - it turns out beautiful!

The information is provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health issues, always consult a specialist.


